Lucinda Sayre
Fine Artist - Original Oils & Mixed Media Paintings

Miniature Bird Paintings

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Common Yellowthroat
Common Yellowthroat
Yellow-rumped Warbler 818
Yellow-rumped Warbler 818
Baltimore Oriole 818
Baltimore Oriole 818
Blackburnian Warbler 818
Blackburnian Warbler 818
Bullock Oriole
Bullock Oriole
Male Cardinal 818
Male Cardinal 818
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
American Goldfinch 818
American Goldfinch 818
Magnolia Warbler 818
Magnolia Warbler 818
Redpoll 818
Redpoll 818
Ruby- throated Hummingbird 818
Ruby- throated Hummingbird 818
Scarlet Tanager 818
Scarlet Tanager 818
Snowy Owl 818
Snowy Owl 818
Chicadee #4
Chicadee #4
Great Grey Owl
Great Grey Owl
Red-winged Blackbird
Red-winged Blackbird
Barred Owl
Barred Owl
Baltimore Oriole II
Baltimore Oriole II
Indigo Bunting
Indigo Bunting
Female cardinal
Female cardinal